Victor X

Visuell konst, Övrigt



Victore X utforskar förhållandet mellan musik och visuell konst. Victors konstnärliga stil karaktäriseras av musik-influerad abstraktionism kombinerad med surrealism. Förutom sitt konstnärliga arbete har han utvecklat ett datorprogram som hittar musikaliska element i bilder - en process baserad på Kandinskys teori om abstrakt konst. Tack vare detta program presenterar han musikaliska tolkningar av sina målningar i utställningsutrymmet. ENG Victor X explores the relation between music and visual art. Victor’s artistic style is characterized as music-influenced abstractionism combined with surrealistic appearance. In addition to his artistic work, he has developed computer software which finds musical elements in images —a process based on Kandinsky's theory of abstract art. Thanks to this software, he presents musical interpretations of his paintings within the exhibition space.
Victor X tutkii taiteen ja musiikin suhdetta. Victorin taiteellinen tyyli on musiikki-vaikutteinen abstraktionismi yhdistettynä surrealistiseen esitysmuotoon. Taiteellisen työskentelyn lisäksi Victor on kehittänyt teitokoneohjelman, joka löytää musikaalisia elementtejä kuvista. Prosessi perustuu Kandinskyn abstraktin taiteen teoriaan. Kiitos tämän ohjelman, Victor pystyy esittämään musikaalisia tulkintoja maalauksistaan näyttelytilassa. ENG Victor X explores the relation between music and visual art. Victor’s artistic style is characterized as music-influenced abstractionism combined with surrealistic appearance. In addition to his artistic work, he has developed computer software which finds musical elements in images —a process based on Kandinsky's theory of abstract art. Thanks to this software, he presents musical interpretations of his paintings within the exhibition space.