Valentina Gelain, Black Box Genesis

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Black Box Genesis-projektet uppstod av två unga konstnärer, Bekim Hasaj och Valentina Gelain. Sammanträdet och samarbetet började redan 2013 under en akademisk utbildning vid Brera Academy of Fine Arts i Milan, där båda utförde sina studier. Deras konstnärliga förmågor täcker från traditionella tekniker till digital konst, interiör- och exteriördekoration samt konstprojektplanering och -utveckling, etc. ENG Black Box Genesis project comes to life from the initiative of two young artist, Bekim Hasaj and Valentina Gelain. The meeting and the collaboration started already in 2013, during the academic training at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, where they completed both studies. 'The experiment' acquired body and character over time, eventually ending up in Black Box Genesis. ​ Under this name we want to make the subjective reality coexist with objective reality, so this initiative also takes on a professional character. We want to work with our talent, doing what we love and doing better. Our skills in visual arts range from traditional techniques to digital art, from interior and exterior decorations to design and development of artistic projects, and more.
Black Box Genesis-projekti sai alkunsa kahden nuoren taiteilijan, Bekim Hasajin ja Valentina Gelainin aloitteesta. Kohtaaminen ja yhteistyö alkoivat jo vuonna 2013, akateemisen koulutuksen aikana Breran Kuvataideakatemiassa Milanossa, jossa he molemmat suorittivat opintonsa. Heidän kuvataiteelliset kykynsä kattavat perinteisistä tekniikoista digitaaliseen taiteeseen, sisä- ja ulkokoristelusta taiteellisten projektien suunnitteluun ja kehittämiseen jne. ENG Black Box Genesis project comes to life from the initiative of two young artist, Bekim Hasaj and Valentina Gelain. The meeting and the collaboration started already in 2013, during the academic training at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, where they completed both studies. 'The experiment' acquired body and character over time, eventually ending up in Black Box Genesis. ​ Under this name we want to make the subjective reality coexist with objective reality, so this initiative also takes on a professional character. We want to work with our talent, doing what we love and doing better. Our skills in visual arts range from traditional techniques to digital art, from interior and exterior decorations to design and development of artistic projects, and more.